Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Crochet Fingerless Gloves...

brown & white fleck
acrylic yarn with buttons
multi brick & grey color
So one day I had a friend of mine say I should make what she called back from her Midwest home town wristees.  I said to her I didn’t know what that was exactly.  Then she said there are gloves or fingerless gloves.  I then said well yeah I am sure I can make some so she ordered some from me for the holidays.  As I have said in the past…when I don’t know how to make something I will do my research til I find what I am looking for and attempt to make them.

So of course my first 2 pairs didn’t come out all that great so I kept those for myself (which I still use because they are still functional…they just didn’t come out like I want them to.  Then I proceeded to make my friends of those came out awesome.  These too you can make from leftover yarn that will allow you to make at least one pair of these gloves. 
brown acrylic yarn with brown ribbon
I realized after making hers that I can make these so I started to make a bunch of them in different colors same technique and style but I would add buttons and trimmings to them. I would get my yarn from my usual place AC Moore or Michaels including my buttons or ribbons. I am not sure yet how to make gloves with the fingers but I am really good at making these that are fingerless.  So for now I will stick to these til I learn another technique.

I have even made them for little kids.  These are just too cute.  I hope you enjoy these.  And remember make what you feel good and comfortable making. 
I will post more soon.

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