Friday, July 26, 2013

Yolanda's Kitchen Creations...Tres Leches Cupcakes

Tres Leches Cupcakes ...what a great mini dessert!

I grew up as a kid eating Tres Leches cake for the holidays, special events or just because.  So to me it wasn’t a big deal.  But when I would hear some people say that this was the best ‘Spanish’ dessert they have had or have you ever had this dessert called Three Milks? I was amazed at that because to me it was just like eating a yellow cake with frosting on it. 

 Well my friends I am here to tell you that knowing how much people loved this dessert I made it one time for my husband’s birthday.  When I tell you that I didn’t get a piece of that cake you know it was awesome. 

 You know I have always made it since in a healthier version per say.  And people have requested this dessert from me several times and I would make it.  Bu I would sometimes wonder geez I am sure these would be great in a cupcake style.  So I made it one time and thru trial and error here is my version of this recipe.  Trust me I am still working on perfecting it with the cupcake liners.

Now while you’re reading this if you are going to make it now heat your oven 350° NOW so it’s ready for you and not you waiting for it J

Here are the ingredients that used and you will need.  Now keep in mind everyone has their own version of more or less the ingredients listed it’s up to you how you want to change it up (which is what I did):

2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1 cup of unsalted butter
1 cup of regular sugar
5 egg whites or regular eggs
1 tsp of vanilla extract
2 cups of regular milk or even half and half
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 ounce)
1 can evaporated milk (12 ounce) or coconut milk
2 cups of heavy whipping cream
½ cup of rum
Regular size muffin tin (24)
3-4 bowls
Cupcake liners
Baking spray

After warming up your oven you can either spray (I like to use the baking spray that has flour in it) the bottom and sides of your muffin tin or use muffin liner.

In a bowl mix your flour, baking powder and salt…put that to the side

In another bowl mix the butter with a mixer till it’s creamy.  Little by little add your sugar mixing it well and don’t forget to scrap the bowl occasionally. Mix this for I would say 2 minutes.

Then add your eggs or egg whites one at a time.  Mixing well after each egg that is put in.  Here is where you would add your rum (get ready for the fun!!!)

Now slow your mixer down because now you will be adding your flower mixture and your milk little by little.  Mixing it till it’s blended.

Now you are ready to pour these into your muffin cups tin.  I would say to fill each cup with about 3 tablespoons of batter.

Bake for about 18-22 minutes depending on your oven or insert a toothpick into the cupcake see if it comes out clean.  Cool for about 5-8 minutes.  Now here is the thing if you used the liners move the cupcakes to the cooling rack if you used it directly into the pan then you will need for them to cool down maybe 10-12 minutes before moving them onto the cooling rack.  This is only a suggestion but if you want to move them after 5-8 minutes go ahead just be careful they don’t fall apart.

While you are waiting for the cupcakes to cool down.  Work on the Tres Leches (3 milks) mixture… you know multitask.

In a bowl mix the condensed, evaporated and regular milk (or the ½ and ½ or coconut milk whichever one your chose to use…remember you can change this recipe around).  I found using the mixer to mix this was easier for me and quicker than using a whisk but hey use whatever you have.

After the cupcakes have cooled down poke about 4-5 holes with a toothpick or fork.  Here is one catch you might have to wipe the toothpick or fork occasionally to reduce the cake sticking.

Now you are ready to slowly spoon about 2 teaspoons of the milk mixture evenly over the top of each cupcake.  Allow the mixture to soak into the holes (patience will be needed for this…) it will go over the side that’s ok you want that too. 

Cover and refrigerate for about 2 hours its better if it’s refrigerated overnight.

Now if you want to add whip cream you can! You should!! Either the bottle or tub kind will work just as well and trust me I have used them as well.  But hey you are making these from scratch why not make your whip cream from scratch too! Just sayin… J
In a bowl beat heavy whipping cream and add a teaspoon of rum (I also add a splash of vanilla extracts).  Mix it in the mixer on high till stiff peaks start to develop. YUM YUM!!!

Top each cupcake with a dollop of this fabulous topping.  Now don’t be shy you can top it on top of that with nuts, sprinkles whatever you want.

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